The Martini: Ultimate Everyman Drink

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I’ve been spending a lot of time in bars recently. Sometimes 5-6 a day, a couple hours in each. It really got me to thinking: What is the drink where everyone can say, that is what I would drink every day if I could. Something that goes down smooth, and that doesn’t fill you up. Something classic, you look like you know what you’re doing when you order it at a downtown bar. I think the obvious choice would be wine. But you don’t really start to taste a difference in good to great wine until you hit about $300. The “clear” winner is the Martini. I can get a pretty good bottle of vodka for $100, another $100 for vermouth and some $50 olives, this will last me a couple weeks. You can alternate flavors, olives, lemon zest, onion. It crosses all spectrums. The true everyman drink.