Top 10 States to Become Governor Of

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Honorable mention: Alabama – one of my favorite mansions. Probably could get a nice water front property.

10. Mississippi

Feels like you can do a pretty bad job and still get re-elected constantly.

9. South Carolina

I wish every person could experience a spring break in Myrtle Beach.

8. Ohio

The perfect mix of east, midwest, and south. I also love the Ohio State University.

7. California

Now now now, I know what you’re all thinking but hear me out. Economic super power in the world. Doesn’t seem to have as many problems as Texas. Constant streams of construction projects.

6. Nevada

I like to have a little fun.

5. Colorado

(See MIssissippi) plus probably the best scenery in all of America, I’ve tried to spend as many months as possible here.

4. Arizona

I love a dry heat, plus whenever I think of wild west Arizona is it.

3. Florida

Gigantic slush funds. Happy tax base. Construction. Beaches.

2. Connecticut

Another fabulous place to live. If I could pick just a single month to be governor of a state it would be May in Connecticut.

  1. New York

Economic Power

Most influence on the world

Power over the world

Beautiful, iconic locations

Honestly, can’t be beat, so glad I live there.